

So what did we learn yesterday, Johnny? And why exactly didn’t we post about it yesterday? Well, the answer to that is simple: We had to rest for another night of driving for ratchet-ass Uber! But it was a respectable night, tho.

Anyway, we learned a pretty valuable lesson yesterday about WordPress. And that is, to stop TRIPPING about WordPress! And when I say stop tripping, I mean not everything in the WP for Dummies book has to be followed to the letter. Like how we flat-out SKIPPED pages 54 thru 64 of the book. She was talking some programming jibberish about the MySQL Database (pain in the ass!) and about how to install WP manually. I’ve already installed WP and we’ve already started posting, like now. I mean, the stuff about installing COULD be valuable down the road, but all the database stuff with SFTP and MySQL and myAdmin and all that stuff is just redundant, and thus far unnecessary, programming language. As long as we know how to get INTO the site and edit it, everything’s gonna be alright. We may come back to this stuff at a later date, but for now, just move on. Stop tripping!