S’up y’all, how ya’ doin’? Better than me, I hope. How long has it been since we last spoke? Two months? Three? You’d think I’d have something to report with that much time off…but NO. I ain’t got π©π© to say. Actually, that’s not true. I got plenty to say, but I’m afraid of ruffling a few feathers. ‘Afraid of ruffling a few feathers?’ What the hell kinda blogger am I anyway? One who’s afraid of getting FIRED, that’s what kind!
Nuttin’ better to do than hang out at Lake Lindero wit’ the ducks!
A’ight, so lemme start at the beginning. Work sucks; Hollywood sucks; life SUCKS, and I’m bored to πππ! So bored that I actually turned to Instagram for this…
I mean, this thang had me in πππ…until I realized it wasn’t funny…not funny at all! These women are me right now. No, correction. These women have one leg up on me (when they’re not flying around!). At least they’re doing something about their boredom. You see, working out in general is a pain in the ππ; it really is. It’s bland, and tasteless and lifeless. When I show up at the gym, I KNOW I’m not about to have a good time. Just running and lifting and that’s it. π₯±π₯± So if these women can get something fun and fresh and exciting by flying around like a buncha’ witches, more power to them! Gurl, I get it. Really, I do!
No flying around here, except from one county to another!
I’d love to get something fresh and new and exciting in my life. Like I said, my job sucks. That is, when I can actually GET the damned job! Hollywood is still trying to do…actually, I don’t know what the fuck they’re trying to do! They’re simply not doing ANYTHING…at all! They’re not greenlighting anything, they’re not shooting anything, they’re not interested in making any π°π°. They’re just not doing…anything.
Speaking of not doing anything…
So instead of working on something cool and fresh and fun, like a Marvel or Star Wars movie, I’m stuck working on a ratchet-ass police procedural that’s almost 20 YEARS OLD, doing the same role I did about fifteen years ago! I mean, the show is so damned boring that even the lead actress tried to leave about seven years ago. But like James Harden and Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant, she realized there was nothing else she could do that would net her as big a paycheck…so she just keeps beating a dead horse. At this point, it doesn’t even look like a horse anymore…just a giant mound of bloody, lifeless meat.
Speaking of bloody and lifeless, my HOME situation hasn’t improved much either. For obvious reasons, I’m not gonna go into detail, but let’s just say that a situation that was supposed to have been resolved a long time ago has reared its ugly-ass head again! Nobody in the house has learned anything or improved on their situation or changed at all and we’re all right back where…we…started. PATHETIC!
Anyway, I’m done bitching. Lake Lindero was great, BTW. And I’ll see you guys when I see you, which hopefully will be sooner than two months! Until then, Peace, Love, and π‘π‘π‘! Johnny