
2 Tired Last Night

Believe it or not, even though we only covered abut 1.5 pages in our WP for Dummies book, we actually DID learn something about our site, Johnny. Like how to finally edit our PAGES. Not Posts, but Pages. There’s a difference. For instance, a Post is a day-to-day accounting of your activity or whatever, that goes on your blog. Like we’re doing now. You can add to it, edit it, erase it; whatever. A Page is something that stays transfixed on your blog forever or until further notice. It’s sort of like a PERMANENT billboard. Our Contact Page would be a good example, which we were able to finally figure out and work on yesterday. So now our Contact Page has our actual contact info and not some random industry-supplied template. We also managed to DELETE all of the stock photos that came with the “Look Book” page. I guess from this point on we know how to insert our own photos onto the Look Book page. Speaking of OUR photos, we also managed to upload some MEDIA onto our Dashboard, and that was fun. Where it concerns sharing our IG and FB posts on this blog, I’m not sure if it’s a better idea to edit them first on our phone or post them first to social media and then edit them on the computer? Right now, I’m leaning towards editing them on the phone first and then post and then maybe form a special section for them on our OneDrive account before sending them to the computer? Stay tuned.